Inserting a Video in your App

Inserting a Video in your App

There are 3 convenient ways to feature a video in your mobile app! Depending on how you want it to be used, consider which of these 3 screen templates will be best for you!

  1. Web Video Screen Template - You can showcase 1 video hosted on Youtube, Vimeo, or any of your other favorite streaming video sites. This template is best for when you want to showcase one video.
  2. Video Gallery Screen Template - If you want to offer multiple videos in a gallery then this screen may be the best for you. Please note that only videos hosted on youtube or your own server can be used in this gallery.
  3. HTML Screen Template - Embed videos directly into your html pages alongside text, pictures, phone numbers or any other content you need with the videos! Since HTML screens are very flexible there are very few limitations to this embedding videos in this screen type - just your imagination!
We've created a helpful guide to inserting videos into your app using all three of the above methods, be sure to check it out for helpful tips, tricks and hints. If you need additional help don't hesitate to let us know and we'll be happy to answer your questions and get your videos up and running!

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