How to use the Visual Editor
Creating a new post
Login into the website
Click on
Posts, then select
Add New

You will get the pre-defined template to create a new Post under the Visual Composer section.
First, add the Post Title
Featured Image. You can either upload a picture or select the already uploaded file.

Now, enter the post's
Subtitle, hover over the
Mikado Section Title and click the Edit icon.

- This will open the pop-up to enter the Subtitle. Enter your title according to the post and click on the Save Changes button.

Note: Please do not make any changes to the other properties.
- Move to the post Description section. You will see a sample description already entered. Simply hover over the post and click the Edit icon.

Doing so will open the pop-up to edit the content where you can use many HTML tools for customization.

Click the Save Changes button after you are done editing your content.
- Add the following sections for the post:
- Author Name
- About Author
- Further Reading
- Article List

Tip: You can over each section to make edits.
- After making these changes, click on the Preview button on the top-left of the page to see the changes.

- Do a final review of your content. You are now ready to Publish!
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