What is the Directory Listing?
This feature allows the app to contain a listing of any directory (speakers, stakeholders, members, etc.) in an easy, searchable format.
After clicking on a specific entry in the directory, you will see a separate details page for that entry.
Click on Blake Anderson in the list to see all details for Blake Anderson
Creating a Directory Listing
- A CSV data file with the following specifications:
- The file can have any number of columns but the columns names much not have any spaces and must only begin with an alphabet. Here are several examples of invalid column names:
- First Name (this should be FirstName)
- 1stName (this should be FirstName)
- A zip folder with the images you would like to use on the listing screen (the images could be headshots / school logos / similar). Specifications for the zip folder:
- The images must be 30x30 pix in size for best results
- The size of the zip folder must not exceed 20 MB. If the size exceeds 20MB, we suggest splitting the zip folder so every zip folder is less than 20 MB in size.
Step by Step Instructions on creating a directory listing screen
1. Drag and Drop the Directory Listing template on to the working area
2. Enter a screen name
("First Directory" in the example)
3. After uploading the CSV file from your computer, hit save:
4. Your screen is now created and should start to appear on the top horizontal bar.
Continue with the following steps to customize your directory:
5. Configuring the listing screen.
The listing screen must have at least one and at most three fields appearing for every record. Use the drop downs to make your selection.
Select up to three columns that you would like the user to use to search
7. Configuring the details screen
Here is an example on the app
8. Finalizing your changes
Once the CSV is uploaded, choose "Configure Details Screen" and you will see the column names appear on the working area of the app.
Every column on your CSV is listed as a separate field on the listing screen. Each of these fields has a certain type associated with it:
i. Text
ii. Link
iii. Array
iv. URL
v. Image URL
From here, you can do the following to apply the finishing touches:
- Change the field names
- Drag-and-drop the fields in the working area to change order of appearance
- Remove specific fields from appearing on the live app (using the checkbox)
Need some help? Contact our support team and we will be happy to assist!
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